Really nice body, strong stouty flavour, boozy. Marvellous. 👍🏻
Yeti XI
Ref | 2024-01 Yeti | Brewer | Pain & Patience |
Style | Imperial Stout | Type | Beer, all-grain |
Started | Fri 19th Jan 24 | Status | Archived, |
Packaged | Wed 31st Jan 24 | Fermenter | SS 25 litre bucket |
Handle | 2024-01 Yeti |
Brewer | Pain & Patience |
Style | Imperial Stout |
Type | Beer, all-grain |
Fermenter | SS 25 litre bucket |
Status | Archived, | ABV
Started | Fri 19th Jan 24 |
Packaged | Wed 31st Jan 24 |
Fermentation seems to have well and truly finished, and I’ve only measured 1.022, so 7.9% ABV. Can’t be bothered to cold-crash this small bucket of what’s essentially a failed brew, so it’s into an MJ Mini keg and on the gas. Oh well, at least the fermenter’s easy to clean.
Looks like selecting the smaller of my stainless fermenters was a bad idea, because evidently Yeti needs more than 3 inches head-space.
Continue readingI’m sure there was method amongst the madness, at least at the beginning: aim for a smaller batch and see if we can push the ABV past 10%. I dialled the recipe back to 11 litres fermenter volume and increased base malt to get the percentage up, tweaking the darker hops to taste.
Brew day itself was OK, no major mishaps but once again I didn’t quite get the yield I was expecting from my mash and unintentionally compensated with boil-off, which nearly exposed the heating elements enough to cause problems. Two key take-aways from this brew day:
Continue readingTypical M44 yeast starter scaled down for size. Normally I’d put this on 24 – 30 hours before pitching, but Brewfather has always reminded me 3 days out to make the starter, so I thought I’d give it a tad longer this time around. Should be pitching on Friday at noon, which is about 52 hours.
Update: should have pitched a bit sooner. It did take off mightily, but if I’m aiming for peak Krausen within the starter before pitching then 26 – 28 hours is possibly the sweet spot.