
Ref 2023-06 Yeti Brewer Pain & Patience
Style Imperial Stout Type Beer, all-grain
Started Tue 13th Jun 23 OG 1.072 Status Archived
Packaged Mon 26th Jun 23 Fermenter SS 25 litre bucket
Handle 2023-06 Yeti
Brewer Pain & Patience
Style Imperial Stout
Type Beer, all-grain
Fermenter SS 25 litre bucket
Status Archived
Started Tue 13th Jun 23 OG 1.072
Packaged Mon 26th Jun 23

Another Yeti, this time brewed in a smaller batch in order to get the mash efficiency up and see if I can finally hit those numbers. Aiming for 10% ABV today, just 14 litres FV.

Milestones & Tasks

Nov 06 -463dAll gone
Jun 26 -596dKegged 15 litres
Jun 13 -609dStarted Primary
Nov 202306Mon

There was just one glass left in the keg, and I enjoyed it just now. Solid quality until the end, no off flavours and excellent mouthfeel. Brill.

133 days
13 days
Jun 202313Tue

Not much to add on this one, thought I’d have a go at reducing the recipe volume in order to see if the extra working space in my system finally got me closer to hitting my numbers. It did not. That’s pretty disappointing, as for the first time I was able to get a proper “fan-out” during mashing thanks to the addition of rice hulls. OK, I also added them in last time I brewed this recipe, but the sheer mash volume was just too much to do anything. Wonder why I still wasn’t able to release all that locked-in goodness?

On the upside having some company throughout the day was very enjoyable.

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