My family has been making cider from our own crop for a couple of years now, and around October 2020 I was convinced to have a go at making beer. This turned out to be a bit more complicated than making cider, despite starting with kits, and in order to learn from my mistakes I needed to document them.
The back-of-an-envelope style notes soon moved into Evernote once it became clear that pictures and videos would be useful, and it wasn’t long before my requirements outgrew Evernote also. I’ve always wanted to learn PHP in general and WordPress in particular, so I took this as an opportunity to write my own theme and plugin, specifically aimed as a repository for my brewing notes.
As the weeks went on we moved in and out of lockdown, which gave me quite a bit of time to work on the interface and add bespoke functionality. I recently found that, in addition to the various brew updates, I wanted to make notes about processes and equipment in general, and so it looks like my brew notes are growing into a little blog all of their own. With that I’m removing the IP restriction which has until now kept everybody else out, and hope that my experiences prove useful to subsequent home-brewers on their own journeys, just like countless others have helped me on mine.
Recent Brew Logs